Celebratory Designs

Valentine’s Day
Pride 🏳️‍🌈

The above banner is uploaded during Purple Friday, (Inter)National Coming Out Day, Transgender Visibility Day, Transgender Awareness Week and other LGBTQIA+ days (+Pride Month) to show support for the ongoing process towards achieving equality for ALL people, regardless of religion, nationality, colour of your skin, gender, sexuality or anything else. Artwork by aekywae @aekywae. To see all art work, for example to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Keti Koti, The Ramadan Period including Eid al-Fitr, Easter and Christmas, click here: https://www.lets-grow.today/celebratory-designs/

Purple Friday (Spirit Day)

The GIFs on the left are used to signal Purple Friday in the week leading up to Purple Friday. On Purple Friday we ask everyone to wear something purple to show that others are accepted by you regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic background, skin colour, religion or anything else.

Why does LG have rainbows at the moment?


During PRIDE month 🏳️‍🌈, Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, Valentine’s Day, and days like Purple Friday, we update the website to reflect these special times.

We believe anyone, regardless of sexuality, gender, physical abilities, body size, skin colour, or religion is equal, and should be treated that way.

To show support to those who are not experiencing the freedom to be themselves, those who are hiding, especially those that identify differently or have a different sexual preference than what we see around us the most, or those who are intersex, the LG website will feature pride colours until the end of June.

Talk to your mentor or teachers like Mr de Vink, Mr Schaap, Ms Walraven, Mr van Hooijdonk, Ms Markus, or other teachers you feel comfortable with, if you would like to discuss something related to your gender or sexuality.

Black Achievement Month/Keti koti/Black History Month
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