Gem Mining Area 2, level 1

This quiz is for those who want more! More XP, more knowledge, more GEMS! This quiz contains random questions from several year 2 tasks and projects. The rewards are grand but you could also lose some XP! ! Sometimes quiz questions refer to a material list or other helpful materials. Because all questions are randomly selected from many of the vocab questions in LG, these materials are not available within this quiz. This makes doing this quiz truly challenging!

  • >80% correct results in an XP reward (10XP, unlimited times)
  • >90% correct results in a GEMS reward (3G, max 1 time)
  • >50% correct results in an Activity Points reward (1G)
  • >80% correct results in an Activity Points reward (3G)
  • >90% correct results in an Activity Points reward (5AP) (It totals at 9AP)

How many activity points, XP and GEMS will you mine?

Gem Mining Area 2, level 1