2M T1a Advertisement A2

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2M T1a Advertisement A2

The Story Behind This Task

You have…

an amazing product that you want to sell.

To make this happen you have gotten a page in the local newspaper for an advertisement.

To sell as much as you can you will have to make an awesome advert.

You are going to make two advertisements for a product of your choice.

During the task you will:

  • Practise giving and receiving feedback;
  • Improve on feedback;
  • Practise using certain vocabulary, and
  • Practise using certain grammar forms.


You have two lessons a week to work on the task. In the other lesson, we will do other activities.

You have 3 weeks for this task.


You can earn 600XP with this task.

You can earn 60 extra GEMS in total for this task. These are based on:
– Language used in your adverts;
– Exceptional creative idea and/or advert;
– Outstanding structure of handed-in product;
– Shown improvement on given feedback.

You can only get these points if you did extra well. That means: better than we expect for a sufficient mark.


related to:
– Giving specific information / opinions;
– Advertisements.


Related to

  • adverbs and adjectives
  • Wordorder

Learning Goals

Nadat je deze taak af hebt kan je de onderstaande leerdoelen afvinken op je leerdoelenkaart A2.




Link naar volledige leerdoelen kaart

De bovenstaande leerdoelen voor schrijven en lezen zijn terug te vinden op de leerdoelkaart A2 voor moderne vreemde talen (MVT). Zie deze link voor het volledige overzicht van de A2 MVT leerdoelen.

Mining Expeditions

You can find the Task-based Mining Expedition for this task here: mining expeditions

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