0-150đź’Ž 1-minute-pitch (3HV Presidential Elections Project)

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For this creative challenge, you are going to choose a theme* that you have not used for your pitch or rally. You will prepare, record, and upload a 1-minute-pitch about yourself and this theme.

Per 1-minute-pitch 100đź’Ž


If you’re dressed, speaking, standing, and acting like a real presidential candidate.


1 Start with an introduction of who you are
2 Slogan
3 Continue by presenting your statement
4 Explain the urgency of why your theme is so important
5 present at least three arguments within a logical structure to support your ideas
6 finish with a conclusion and strong call to action

No shorter than 0:55s and no longer than 1:05s.

*themes: privacy, gender, and sexual diversity, environment. You may request/suggest a different theme.

Video recording uploaded in a safe space such as FlipGrid (ask your teacher), YouTube (hidden), or Vimeo (private). You can also send the video in Teams or Magister. Don’t send an email.

Check whether your video works before you send it, or a link to your video, to your teacher.

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